Goal 2: Program Content

Advance our educational program to provide students with the knowledge and skills they need to thrive in a complex and changing world.


Will we teach Shakespeare? Yes. But how we teach Shakespeare will change.

Our curriculum will continue to prepare students for admission to their top-choice colleges, but it also will evolve to position them for success after college by expanding beyond the walls of the school and connecting them with the world.

And we will:

  • Utilize current brain research about how children learn best to develop more strategies for individualizing learning within the curriculum and through learning support services.
  • Develop a distinctive identity for each division that is built around an age-appropriate experience.
  • Collaborate locally, nationally and internationally to enhance learning and leadership opportunities for Penn Charter students.
  • Educate students for global competency through classroom experience, service, student exchanges and travel.
  • Teach environmental awareness and develop advocacy for environmental sustainability.

Our plan for Penn Charter's future is organized around six goals, each with a set of strategies.




Prefer it in print? View and download this 24-page publication that explains the six goals of the Strategic Vision, the strategies to support those goals, and the themes and issues that inspired the Strategic Vision.

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