Goal 4: Time

Reimagine the use of time.


The hours students spend each day on their education can be restructured to create an experience that focuses on meaningful content and 21st century skills.
"Who seriously believes that locking 25 student in a small room with one adult for several hours each day is the best way for them to be educated?" Prakash Nair asks in Don't Just Rebuild Schools--Reinvent Them. "In the 21st century, education is about project-based learning, connections with peers around the world, service learning, independent research, design and creativity, and, more than anything else, critical thinking..."
A new school-day schedule will make time for project-based work, interdisciplinary and cross-divisional work. And it will allow flexibility, as the classroom continues to expand through use of the Internet, outdoor campus spaces, internships and other learning opportunities and resources in metropolitan Philadelphia.

And we will:

  • Rethink and refine learning outside school hours, including homework, to engage students in meaningful work.
  • Plan time for reflection and mindfulness.
  • View a students' day and year holistically, supporting balance and a healthy pace.
  • Support the tradition of strong student-teacher relationships.

Our plan for Penn Charter's future is organized around six goals, each with a set of strategies.




Prefer it in print? View and download this 24-page publication that explains the six goals of the Strategic Vision, the strategies to support those goals, and the themes and issues that inspired the Strategic Vision.

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