Goal 6: Financial Sustainability

Provide for financial sustainability and support the mission of the school and the goals of the Strategic Plan.


According to the Opinion Leaders Survey of the National Association of Independent Schools, the following are the keys to financial sustainability for an independent school in the 21st century:
  • Financial: More efficient, less costly
  • Environmental: More green, less wasteful
  • Global: More networked internationally, less parochial
  • Programmatic: More skills and values, less traditional content
  • Demographic: Inclusive, not exclusive.
We will develop a financial master plan that will examine our reliance on major revenue sources such as tuition, endowment and fund-raising; evaluate current and future budget policies and resource allocation develop a more entrepreneurial approach to create new and alternative sources of revenue.

Our plan for Penn Charter's future is organized around six goals, each with a set of strategies.




Prefer it in print? View and download this 24-page publication that explains the six goals of the Strategic Vision, the strategies to support those goals, and the themes and issues that inspired the Strategic Vision.

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